Purposeful Prologues

Prologues have gotten a bad rap. Busy editors and harried readers think, “Just tell me the story, already. Don’t waste my time with a prologue that has nothing to do with the rest of the book.” But a prologue is a great place to set character motivation in motion that…

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New York Times Article On Romance Ebooks

The New York Times says romance novels are the fastest selling genre of ebooks to date and several retailers and publishers are scrambling to get in on the future of publishing…which is here now. Read the Dec. 8 article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/09/books/09romance.html?_r=1 The foundations of the article are exciting. Increased sales…

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What’s The Point?

I write because I love words. I appreciate talking with words, but the letters, shapes, meanings, history, and power of words have always fascinated me. Games such as Scrabble, word search puzzles, and old fashioned Hang Man really turn me on. In fact, if a suitor wants something special out…

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Welcome, BETH, and tell us a little about yourself.  Greetings all, and thanks for having me Liz.  I’m a Virginia author of historical and light paranormal romance with the Wild Rose Press. I also write creative non-fiction pieces about rural life. The beauty of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding mountains…

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Reader’s Guide: MESSAGE TO LOVE

MESSAGE TO LOVE is set during the spring of 1898 just before the start of the Spanish American War in Cuba. This is a fascinating period in Victorian America and the politics, practices and petticoats of the turn-of-the-century were being fashioned in new ways that reflected the changing attitudes. There aren’t…

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