Welcome, BETH, and tell us a little about yourself. 

Greetings all, and thanks for having me Liz.  I’m a Virginia author of historical and light paranormal romance with the Wild Rose Press. I also write creative non-fiction pieces about rural life. The beauty of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding mountains are my inspiration.  For more on me, my blog is the happening place: https://bethtrissel.wordpress.com/

I love your blog, Beth. You’re right, it IS a happening place!

Tell everyone about your journey to publishing a novel. 

Back in the Dark Ages when I began this sacred journey I wrote by hand on college lined notebook paper with a certain kind of Bic pen–had to be that kind. And I went through bottles of whiteout. Once a page was stiff with whiteout, I’d crumple and throw until I was surrounded by a pile of discarded prose.  Time passed and I acquired my hubby’s old pc and learned how to type and navigate the cyber world.  After 12+ years and a succession of agents, one of them excellent, I abandoned my quest to be published by a big NY house and sailed to a welcoming harbor at The Wild Rose Press.  I’ve been at the Wild Rose for two, going on three, years now, and have seven releases out and more in the works.  I love TWRP!

Whiteout!! You’re hilarious. But we’ve all done that.

What do like the most and the least about writing?  I love writing when I’m in the zone and the story flows well, hate beginning a new one and facing that totally blank document.  I love to edit and polish my words.  I just wrote Chapter One on an empty page so am not in my happy place yet.

I’ve read your stories, Beth. And your “happy place” is a great story, in my opinion.

What are three things you cannot do without? 

Dark chocolate apparently, because I cannot give it up, hot milky tea, preferably Earl Grey, and the right music for each scene–must have music to transport me from here to ‘there.’

Hot, milky Earl Grey! You sound so Victorian. Love it!


Give us a peek into your latest published work? 

Ah yes, my latest is the story of my heart, the first novel I ever wrote and rewrote repeatedly, finally published at long last, Native American historical Romance novel Red Bird’s Song.  The initial encounter between Scots-Irish settler Charity Edmondson and Shawnee warrior Wicomechee was inspired by a dream I had on New Year’s Eve 15 yrs ago about a young warrior taking an equally young woman captive at a river and the unexpected attraction between them.  That dream had such a profound impact on me that I took the leap from writing non-fiction essays to historical romance novels and embarked on the most amazing journey of my life.  I also met the prophetic warrior, Eyes of the Wolf, in another vivid dream at the advent of this adventure, so when I describe him in the book I’m envisioning a character I feel I know.  Many of the events in this adventure/romance are based on research I did into accounts of my early American ancestors–even the hero, Wicomechee, to whom I’m distantly connected through mutual forebears and whose true story is included at the end of Red Bird’s Song.

How fascinating to be “distantly connected” like that.

What’s next on the writing horizon for you?  That blank story with all those words to fill in, and several more like it.  I’m writing for two lines at The Wild Rose Press and two editors, both terrific, senior historical editor Nicole Darienzo and senior Faery Rose editor, Amanda Barnett.

I didn’t know we shared editors at TWRP! Love, love, love Amanda Barnett!

Is there anything you want to tell readers?  Yes, buy Beth’s books, they make super Christmas presents.


I totally agree, Beth. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Thanks so much Liz for having me and for all the high fives. 🙂

  2. My ancestors also had a few who “went to the woods.” My youngest son has Cherokee from both sides. My great grandmother was full Cherokee. Family originally was from Tennessee and then to Oklahoma for historical reasons. I’ve used a number of family history stories in my books, brings more life to my stories I think.

    Great post Beth and Red Bird’s Song sounds wonderful

  3. Thanks so much. Your ancestry sounds fascinating too.

  4. Hey, Liz Arnold! I’m also a writer named Liz Arnold and I wanted to say hello. I think my friend Rolf Potts met you last year at a book fair. He brought me a ribbon with your/my name on it, and your website. Nice blog you have here! Write on… – Liz Arnold

    • Nice to meet you, LIZ ARNOLD! Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon. P.S. I visited your blog and the pics there are great! Interior design writing..nice. Just when you think the world is so big.

  5. I love Beth Trissel’s writing. Her research is impeccable and delivered in lush writing. And I enjoy the subject matter–which varies greatly–in her books.

  6. Beth you are a freakin’ amazingly talented author. I wish someone would write about the Abenaki in New England and Canada. Lots of people never even heard of them!
    Beth takes you there. Uses every sense and makes you step into her worlds. I love it!!!

  7. Thanks so much for the high five!

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